Friday, March 4, 2016

A More Efficient Animation Solution

While I had finished some hand made animations, I have been looking at other possible options. One possible option is Mixamo. It allows you to upload an fbx file and their system can auto rig your model. I wanted to try it out and it worked scarily accurately.

After I got my model auto rigged, I tried importing the files into Unity. The files worked as far as I can tell, so now I can look for more animations to attach to my model. This may seem like a cheap and quick way of doing things, which technically it sort of is, I feel like it's the most efficient way. I'm focusing on becoming a character modeler/texture artist so if I can avoid doing animations the better for me. If I have to animate, I will, but if there's a quick and efficient way to speed up the process I'll try to take that path. I then can use my time helping others/working on new things.

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