Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 11: Agile

This week we watched a video about agile game development. I think it was very interesting to see how this differs from what we are doing right now. The main thing that I noticed that was different was that this sort of process is much quicker and is able to point out the flaws in the game quicker as well.

As of right now, I think our team would do rather poorly because we are still figuring out the game still. We've been focusing on the infrastructure for the last several weeks that we put aside working on the game itself.  
I also have been trying to continue my work on the financial portions, but I'm finding it difficult because there are some financial figures that are based off of having a product already out in the market. Perhaps this agile development will help us. I think it will help us narrow our figures even more so that we can get the budget finalized.

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