Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 8b

The team had part of a review, and let's just say that we didn't do so well. I think the biggest thing that I learned from the review is our game lacks any real "wow" factor.  I know what the team wants for the game, but we can't be making a game for ourselves. Another thing I learned is that we need facts and data. We also need public opinions, which we didn't have.

Another big thing that stuck with me from the review is the aspect of participation. Our team doesn't progress that well. Like I stated in the previous post, I try to contribute what's on my mind or a counter argument to ideas; however, most of the time I feel like most of team, myself included, tend to recycle our ideas. This leads to our stagnant progression.

I've tried to search for more concrete data for the finance portion of the team. Specifically, I'm to research revenue facts on Steam Greenlight, and how much revenue is shared. Also, I'm looking at other methods to load our game that may be free for us. I'm probably searching the wrong way, and that's most likely the reason why I'm not getting very far on this. Hopefully, I can find something during this week,  I don't want to be kicked, just like everyone else, but I understand only the best will continue.

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