Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Play Testing

It's only a few days before portfolio night and we're doing some last minute play testing. I worked with D'Merro and tested a lot of things/scenarios. Some examples are testing certain glitches/hacks at a certain time in a match e.g using glitch when someone dies. Here's a link to the notes that we took.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fixing the Spear Animations

This short sprint, I'm mainly working with Randy (blog) in order to fix some of the issues with the spear animations. Now, he is pretty much doing all the fixing/animating, but I'm there to help whenever I can. I gave critique on the animations and I think that the updated animations look very good.

Credit: Randy Grout


Now there is one big issue that is occurring and that is with the animations and the spear alignment. Originally, the spear was is the character's left hand and that was switched. However, when exported to unity, the alignment isn't working. In the max file it works because there is a link/hierarchy including the spear itself. For whatever reason unity is not recognizing it.

Update 2

I suggested that the spear from the max file be included when exporting. My thought is to replace the spear in unity with the max spear. They are the same except one is missing textures.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shooting Recoil Animation

I have good amount of animations in the build, but I don't have any sort of recoil for the crossbow attacks. While it isn't much, the animation can go a long way in bringing more life into the character. Mainly a recoil type of animation will make the character look like it is actually firing/shooting and that the crossbow is acting upon the character. I chose two type of animation: standing firing and a running while firing.
Standing stationary while firing

Running while firing

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Another Base Mesh

I after trying to learn programming/shader work, I ended up giving up a bit on that. However, I did decide to make another base mesh. I figured that the current base mesh was a bit simple in terms of proportions/body type. I thought that I would try to make a more muscular type of character. In the end, I think the the mesh is pretty good, and I actually some of the topology is better than the current base mesh.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Learning New Things

This sprint I decided to change things up a little. There wasn't much in terms of art that was planned. I would help if necessary. I decided to take this sprint to learn a little bit about shaders. There was a little demonstration in class a few weeks back, but otherwise I never had any exposure/experience with shaders. The whole concept is confusing since, at least in unity, it requires a bit of programming knowledge.


I'm not really getting the whole programming language behind the shader videos, so I was told that it might be helpful to learn so basic programming language. I'm going to try to learn a little bit of c programming. Hopefully this will make understand shaders a little easier. However, I'll be honest, this isn't the easiest/most exciting for me.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

On-hit Animation

I'm still going over a majority of the animations. I realize that a on-hit type of animation would be useful, so that the user can see the character take the damage. Since I'm using mixamo, I'm mainly slightly changing some settings for the specific animation. Only issue is, while I can edit the animation, I noticed that I have some difficulty with importing the fixed animation. For now I'll just mess with the original settings.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

New Sprint

I'm starting a new sprint so I'm still figuring out what I'm going to do. I had discussed on possibly working on a female character, but I think that will most likely be put on the back burner. I think for now I will just go through the animations of both the crossbowman and spear man to make sure things look good.